Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Program is intended to provide material support for repair projects and there is no requirement that the Veteran in need belongs to the American Legion. This is a Cherokee Countywide program and we are working with the other Veteran organizations within Cherokee County to help identify our fellow Veterans who need minor repairs done to their homes. The grant from The Home Depot Foundation is part of the company’s nationwide effort, in partnership with Veteran service organizations like American Legion, to improve the homes and lives of U.S. military Veterans and their families. Jim Lindenmayer - 770-479-4405 or jlindenmayer80@gmail.com, Director of the Cherokee County Homeless Veterans Program who is heading up this project.
Canton American Legion Post 45 has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country, and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace, and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble on the next page. American Legion Post 45 is located at 160 McClure St., Canton, Georgia. (http://www.galegion45.org/)
Woodstock American Legion Post 316 is serving the needs of our Veterans and Active Duty personnel in the South Cherokee County area from our home in Woodstock, Georgia. South Cherokee County Post 316 was chartered in 2002 and currently has some 150 members. Our meeting locations have changed through the years and we are currently meeting on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month. Post 316 is located at 223 Arnold Mill Rd, next to the Fire station. (http://www.alpost316ga.org/)
Canton VFW Post 5262 was chartered on February 2nd, 1946. Our post works constantly to support our community and to fight for the rights and care of our fellow veterans. VFW Post 5262 play an active role in the community and works constantly to support, enhance, and serve the causes of veterans and their families. In addition to direct support and action, our post also coordinates with other local community organizations to support the veterans and their families directly, as well as the community at large. The following is a list of programs that we serve with and what we are doing. (http://www.vfwpost5262.org/)
Marine Corps League Detachment #1311 - Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines. (https://mclwoodstock.wordpress.com/)
Forever Fed is much more than the services we offer to families in need. Our job is to seek out and support God’s children who are often passed over, forgotten, or invisible to mainstream society. We minister to under-served people regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, disability, political beliefs, or religious affiliation. We love our veterans and thank them for their service and for their sacrifices. We are here for you today and beyond. Regardless of your needs, Forever Fed is ready, willing to assist you where you live. http://foreverfed.org/
Encompass Ministries Inc. The mission of Encompass Ministries is to help individuals and families re-establish stability and self-reliance by offering a variety of programs including immediate food assistance, employment strategies, and life skills through hands-on support and ongoing training in order to have a community where everyone has the tools to achieve stability and no one goes to bed hungry. https://encompassministriesinc.org/
Never Alone Never Alone strives to reflect the diverse community we serve in all we do. This commitment extends to our staffing, volunteer base and all who we serve. We are diverse by nature and inclusive by choice. We believe embracing and respecting diversity in an inclusive workplace, which draws on the unique characteristics, skills and experiences of each of us, makes us stronger and more effective in our mission to help end hunger. https://www.neveralone.org/ (470) 302-4055
Next Step Ministries Next Step is a ministry that seeks to enrich the lives of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through programs that reinforce their inclusive place in society. https://www.nextstepministries.net/ 770.592.1227
Congressman Barry Loudermilk One of the most important things I do as a U.S. Representative is helping people with federal problems. Although I cannot override the decisions made by a federal agency, I can often intervene on a person's behalf to answer questions, find solutions, or just cut through the red tape. Below you will find a list of agencies that I can help you with. Department of Veterans Affairs Social Security Administration U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Internal Revenue Service Passport Service State Department - Visas Postal Service Department of Education FCC - Federal Communications Commission and Urban Development of Labor Medicare
Office of Personnel Management https://loudermilk.house.gov/constituent-services/casework/
PTSD Foundation of America
The Mission of the PTSD Foundation of America is to bring hope and healing to Combat Veterans and their families suffering from the effects of combat-related Post Traumatic Stress.
We do this by taking a whole-person approach, offering evidence-based peer-to-peer mentoring, both on an individual basis and in group settings. In addition, our programs and services are free to the Veteran and their family so that the focus remains on their journey to healing.
We take a collaborative approach to raising awareness of the increasing needs of the military community by working with government agencies, service organizations, churches, and private sector businesses to combine resources.
By taking our message to public events, media outlets, social media, and service organizations we can more effectively reach Veterans in crisis and make life-saving impact on the Veteran community. National - https://ptsdusa.org/about-us/ Find a Chapter https://ptsdusa.org/about-us/chapters/ Georgia Chapter - DAN SOLLA Dan.Solla@ptsdUSA.org 678.725.0374
ServiceWise Electric is a family-owned and operated electrical service company conveniently located in Canton, GA. Striving to be the best in the industry by offering the highest level of professional service every time. Ensuring our customers feel confident with the quality of work and efficient mannerisms from our electrical team members is ServiceWise's top priority. Servicing both residential and commercial customers. Call/text/book online for an appointment and let us show you the ServiceWise difference, today! 404-704-4903 https://servicewiseelectrical.com/
The Heisler Real Estate Team
The team is owned and operated by Eeman Heisler, is a division of Keller Williams Realty Partners in Woodstock, Georgia, and serves all of north metro Atlanta. Eeman helps those looking to sell, buy, or invest in real estate. Our values are God, Family, then Business and our purpose is to give back to those who have selflessly served our great country. A portion of every closing goes back to organizations that serve our Veterans. Other than providing real estate services, Eeman's Woodstock office provides tuition reimbursement to those looking to start a career in real estate. The Keller Williams Military community was also established to recognize and support active duty military, Veterans, and their families, and give them the tools and training to start and grow a better real estate business and an even better life. Eeman Heisler also provides real estate consulting in the community, and complimentary home equity analysis to homeowners. Contact Eeman at 678-521-0956 or eemanheisler.kw.com