Hire Our Heroes Veteran Job Board (Local Jobs In Cherokee County and Beyond) provides a service to bring Veteran Job Seekers and Employers together. Job Seekers and Employers can register, create profiles/job posts and search for jobs and resumes. The men and woman who wore that headgear and now make up our Veteran population have a record of dependability, enthusiasm, teamwork, and commitment. They've received first-rate training from the most demanding organizations in the world and have been tested many, many times in high-pressure situations. They know how to get the job done - that's why the best way to honor a veteran is to hire one. https://hireourheroes.com/
Hire Heroes USA empowers U.S. military members, veterans and spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce. The hallmark of our program is a personal approach where each veteran receives dedicated career transition assistance to help them effectively communicate their military experience in civilian terminology. Services also include transition workshops and connecting the job seeker with companies and employment opportunities through the Job Board. (www.hireheroesusa.org)
Jobscan: 90% of large companies use Applicant Tracking Systems to search for qualified candidates from large applicant pools. Boost your interview chances and optimize your resume keywords against job descriptions with (www.Jobscan.co)
American Corporate Partners (ACP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting veterans in their transition from the armed services to the civilian workforce. With the help of business professionals nationwide, ACP offers veterans tools for long-term career development through mentoring, career counseling and networking opportunities. (www.acp-usa.org/)
StratiPlan, LLC. is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned business that was created to provide premium staffing solutions for small, medium and large businesses nationwide. Our Stratiplan is to help individuals overcome employment barriers by providing career opportunities to the citizens deemed hard to hire.
Recruit Military provides the spark that ignites organizations to excel, by helping them hire and retain America's best talent — its veterans. Sign up and discover the demand for mission-oriented, disciplined men and women.
Leave No Veteran Behind invests in Veterans to build better communities through employment training, transitional jobs, and our veteran educational debt relief scholarship. Leave No Veteran Behind invests in heroes who have served their country honorably and who seek to continue their service as assets in communities across America.
The mission of iWarriors is to honor severely injured members of all branches of the Armed Forces by providing them with personalized iPads. Many of these warriors are actively receiving treatment at a facility far away from family and friends. In many cases, rehabilitation and recovery can take months and even years. The iPad allows them to stay in touch with loved ones, allows them to schedule appointments on the calendar, and is a convenient place to store medical records. Other wounded warriors have returned to their unit or have left the Armed Forces but continue to battle physical injuries or effects of PTSD and TBI. Many apps are available on the iPad to help in the treatment of the disorder. (www.iwarriors.org)
Military Warriors Support Foundation now provides a link between partnering companies and veterans seeking employment opportunities in such employment areas as the oil field industry, administration/clerical, business management, communications, customer service, skilled labor, marketing, sales, security, and many more. If you are a veteran that is interested in connecting with veteran-friendly employers, let us help you. (https://militarywarriors.org/programs/)
Veterans Recruiting Services connects employers and veterans through virtual career fairs. VRS offers services to assist veterans and their spouses as they transition to the civilian workforce and helps employers find the right highly qualified, educated and well-trained veterans for their businesses. (http://veteranrecruiting.com/)
My Next Move for Veterans is an easy-to-use online tool created by the Department of Labor that allows veterans to enter information about their experience and skills in the field, and match it with civilian careers that put that experience to use. The site also includes information about salaries, apprenticeships, and other related education and training programs. (https://www.mynextmove.org/vets/)
Hire Purpose: We make sure your application goes to your best advocate: the person whose job is to hire veterans. Our Career Coaches are veterans with civilian recruiting experience. They can review your resume and help you target your job search for your background, skills, and goals. Their personalized advice and services are completely free. Our weekly webinars cover some of the most important steps to finding a job (like updating your resume) from a veteran’s perspective. We also have tools to prepare you for every stage of your job search - from the application to the interview to the job offer. (https://www.hirepurpose.com)
Warriors to Work®, a veteran employment program, provide career guidance and support services to wounded warriors, their families, and caregivers interested in transitioning to the civilian workforce. We match your skills and experience to the needs of hiring managers. These services are also open if you are registered with Family Support.
Hero 2 Hired (H2H) is a comprehensive employment program provided by the Department of Defense that offers everything a Reserve Component job seeker needs to find their next opportunity, including job listings, career exploration tools, education and training resources, virtual career fairs, a mobile app for IOS, Android and Windows Phones, an innovative Facebook application and a variety of networking opportunities. (http://h2h.jobs/)
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is committed to Hiring Our Heroes, and are sponsoring 100 hiring fairs for veterans and military spouses in local communities across the country. They have also created strategic partnerships to deal with specific populations of veterans and their unique challenges in three other areas to include: a Wounded Warrior Transition Assistance Program, a Post 9-11 Student Veteran Internship and Employment Program, and a Women Veterans and Military Spouses Employment Program. (https://www.uschamberfoundation.org/hiring-our-heroes)
The Farmer Veteran Coalition cultivates a new generation of farmers and food leaders, and develop viable employment and meaningful careers through the collaboration of the farming and military communities. We believe that veterans possess the unique skills and character needed to strengthen rural communities and create sustainable food systems. We believe that agriculture offers purpose, opportunity, and physical and psychological benefits. (http://www.farmvetco.org/)
eBenefits offers service members, veterans, and family members an easy way to access and manage benefits, claims, and documents. (https://www.ebenefits.va.gov)
The U. S. Department of Labor's Gold Card provides unemployed post-9/11 era veterans with the follow-up services they need to succeed in today's job market. (http://www.dol.gov/vets/goldcard.html)
The Veterans Job Bank is a tool developed by National Resource Directory (NRD.gov) helps streamline the job search process for the military and Veteran communities. (http://www.veteranjobsbank.com/)
The eBenefits Veterans Employment Center (VEC) provides information and links to resources to help veterans find meaningful career opportunities and take advantage of special government and partner programs. (https://www.vets.gov/employment/)
The Veteran Employment Services Office’s (VESO) VA for Vets initiative helps Veterans and transitioning military service members find meaningful careers. (www.vaforvets.va.gov/)
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership is a comprehensive web-enabled recruitment and career partnership solution connecting military spouses to employers seeking a 21st century workforce with the skills and attributes possessed by military spouses. (http://www.msepjobs.com)
VetSuccess.gov provides comprehensive transition and employment resources for veterans, service members, and their families. VetSuccess.gov serves as a virtual employment resource center where veterans can browse job listings, post resumes and apply for positions online. VetSuccess.gov also provides links to over 8 million jobs on the VetCentral site. (www.vetsuccess.gov)
DOL’s Registered Apprenticeship Program: ApprenticeshipUSA offers opportunities to earn a salary while learning the skills necessary to succeed in high-demand careers. ApprenticeshipUSA exemplifies high standards, instructional rigor and quality training. ( http://www.dol.gov/apprenticeship/find-opportunities.htm)
Raytheon: Partnering with The U.S. Army and General Motors and Raytheon teamed up to train transitioning Army soldiers to become service technicians at GM dealerships when they return to civilian life. (http://www.raytheon.com/newsroom/feature/shifting_gears.html)
Troops to Teachers: A U.S. Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed. (www.proudtoserveagain.com)
VetForce: A Salesforce program that prepares you for a civilian career in IT, consulting, or sales. (https://veterans.force.com/)
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