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News Clips Below:

Click on the image- greater detail will be displayed in a pdf for your enjoyment.

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Hi! I'm Larry Lewis, a Marine Veteran and a small businessman. Are you interested in deploying on a mission trip extending a helping hand? You've come to the right place. Click here.

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...its bright red strips remind us of the blood shed keeping America Free.

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To follow a message from a soldier's mother, Ms. Jamie Barber, who I met at the post office while sending out other WeCareBoxes. Her son along with other Guardsmen are presently guarding the American Embassy in Iraq:

Gene. Good morning. Zachary received the boxes today. He told me to tell you thank you and God Bless. He was very happy. I want to also thank you and your wife for the great service that you do for the military serving our country. Jamie

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Who is Hunter Peterman?

My name is Hunter Peterman, I am 18 years old and starting this Thursday I will be leaving to NSI (New Student Indoctrination) up at the Great Lakes Naval Recruit Training Command. There I will go on to learn many new skills I will need as a Marine Corps Officer, from firefighting and marksmanship to martial arts and leadership skills. Through this three week long rigorous training course, I will be closer to reaching my goal of graduating college and becoming a Marine Officer, along with getting into the Marine Corps’ aviation program.

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Wes Cantrell.

Memorial Day Sunday.

Video. Click Here.

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Larry Lewis

Samaritans Purse Missions Leader at FBCW.

Larry, an independent contractor, has a true Servant's Heart [Galatians 5:13]. Whether disaster relief or disaster rebuild Larry has served on many missions with Samaritans Purse. God Bless you, Larry Lewis.

If you too want to jump out of your humdrum daily routine and join with the Lord in the excitement and fulfillment of helping others,  Contact Larry for that excitement.    770  826  4430

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For all time..., Well Said!

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