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Easy Instructions to Donate Online:

●After reviewing the 6 steps below, go to the FBCW

Donate WebPage Link (⬇)


1. Enter the Tithe: "$0.00"      

2. Click: "Add a message"        

3. Type into the "Message        

Box" the words:                    


4. Click: "Next"                                

 5. Add all other appropriate      


6. Then click "Submit"                  


(➔) Click Here: to go to the FBCW Donate WebPage

Information: "FBCW Donate WebPage" -"Message Box Entry" for online giving-

Cut Message Box_edited.png

Donations by Check. 

Make your check out to: First Baptist Church Woodstock - Attn: Laynie Jones, and in the Memo Line of your check please write the words: “Military Ministry”.

Mail it to 11905 Highway 92 Woodstock, GA 30188.

Below is a Pictorial of a Church Envelope Gift to the Military Ministry:

Your Generosity is the energy that fuels Our Missions for Our Community.

Your Donation will be deposited to our account at FBCW.  You may use your donation as a Charitable Tax Deduction.​

Our Military Ministry at FBCW is actively meeting, visiting, helping, and praying for VETERANS and VETERAN FAMILIES living in Our Community. We connect with them from our own military experiences. We have walked a mile in a soldiers' boots. Too, we fully understand, that family members and friends walk alongside their soldiers spiritually no matter where they are, were, or what they have been through. We who serve in the ministry REMEMBER.


Hopefully, you will be able to assist us financially to continue and even extend our outreach to veterans and their families who serve and have served Our Country Honorably.

Your donation of any amount will help us to continue and expand our missions.

Our Ministry Team thanks you so much for your financial support, partnership, and prayers.

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